gaurav dawra
2004-02-18 19:44:03 UTC
Hi friends

I am trying to flash the access for some time now. I am using MAGIC RAM 2MB
SRAM card to flash the access point. I am using EUMITCOMM Wl11000 rev
3A(USR 2445) and rev 1A. I know Linux AP works well with USR 2450. Does that
make any diffence. If anyone have flashed the access point successfully
please suggest me. I am presently working for Montana State University
Bozeman,MOntana. So if someone living by can help me out in flashing the AP.
I will be really thankful.

Best regards,


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Scott Serr
2004-02-18 22:40:14 UTC
You need to make sure that the image on your card is correct. That is
the first step, don't take it for granted. Read it back and do a diff
on it from the original image that you wrote to it. (I had to use a
utility called wrflash or something like that from the OpenAP/alerios
directory or some such.)

Once you've got that far it is all a matter of timing on the jumper.
The jumpering, power on, and unjumpering has to be done at certain
times. It took me about 10 tries to do my first one, even though I read
how to do it. The next 3 APs I did on the first or second try.

Post by gaurav dawra
Hi friends
I am trying to flash the access for some time now. I am using MAGIC
RAM 2MB SRAM card to flash the access point. I am using EUMITCOMM
Wl11000 rev 3A(USR 2445) and rev 1A. I know Linux AP works well with
USR 2450. Does that make any diffence. If anyone have flashed the
access point successfully please suggest me. I am presently working
for Montana State University Bozeman,MOntana. So if someone living by
can help me out in flashing the AP. I will be really thankful.
Best regards,
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LinuxAP-dev mailing list
Gaurav Dawra
2004-02-20 00:54:51 UTC
Hi scott how are you doing? Thanx for your help. My image is on the sram
card of magic ram 2MB. I know now it is the matter of jumping, but I am
confused for how many sec. do I have to jump the jumper j2. When I power on
the unit with the j2 jumped and allow it to stand the 4&5 led's glows and do
not blink. Nothing comes on the terminal. Shall I have to wait for 4&5 led's
to blink alternatively. Also when I remove the j2, they blink with some
periodic interval. Does that suggest something.

My confusion and frustration is when to release the jumper j2 so that it
starts booting, now what all I am getting on the terminal is junk, I am sure
the image and terminal settings are fine. But this junk seems to be

Please suggest about the timing that's I think is critical now.


-----Original Message-----
From: linuxap-dev-***@linuxAP.ksmith.com
[mailto:linuxap-dev-***@linuxAP.ksmith.com] On Behalf Of Scott Serr
Sent: Wednesday, February 18, 2004 3:40 PM
To: Linux Access Point Development
Subject: Re: [LinuxAP-dev] fLASHING PROBLEM

You need to make sure that the image on your card is correct. That is
the first step, don't take it for granted. Read it back and do a diff
on it from the original image that you wrote to it. (I had to use a
utility called wrflash or something like that from the OpenAP/alerios
directory or some such.)

Once you've got that far it is all a matter of timing on the jumper.
The jumpering, power on, and unjumpering has to be done at certain
times. It took me about 10 tries to do my first one, even though I read
how to do it. The next 3 APs I did on the first or second try.

Post by gaurav dawra
Hi friends
I am trying to flash the access for some time now. I am using MAGIC
RAM 2MB SRAM card to flash the access point. I am using EUMITCOMM
Wl11000 rev 3A(USR 2445) and rev 1A. I know Linux AP works well with
USR 2450. Does that make any diffence. If anyone have flashed the
access point successfully please suggest me. I am presently working
for Montana State University Bozeman,MOntana. So if someone living by
can help me out in flashing the AP. I will be really thankful.
Best regards,
Get a FREE online computer virus scan from McAfee when you click here.
LinuxAP-dev mailing list
Scott Serr
2004-02-23 08:40:51 UTC
I just thought of something else... I hope this helps. You need to kick
the port rate down to 4800 from the default of 9600. Atleast I had to.
I heard people going from 19200 to 9600, but mine didn't work until I
went down to 4800. If you are getting garbage on the terminal, I think
it is now running Linux.


PS- if that isn't the problem I think I remember doing this... jumper,
power on, wait until lights flicker, pull jumper. After it flashes, it
will reboot... then it will boot off the eprom. At 4800, I could see it
go through writing the image to eprom... At 9600, I saw garbage not
knowing it was trying to write the image.
Post by Gaurav Dawra
Hi scott how are you doing? Thanx for your help. My image is on the sram
card of magic ram 2MB. I know now it is the matter of jumping, but I am
confused for how many sec. do I have to jump the jumper j2. When I power on
the unit with the j2 jumped and allow it to stand the 4&5 led's glows and do
not blink. Nothing comes on the terminal. Shall I have to wait for 4&5 led's
to blink alternatively. Also when I remove the j2, they blink with some
periodic interval. Does that suggest something.
My confusion and frustration is when to release the jumper j2 so that it
starts booting, now what all I am getting on the terminal is junk, I am sure
the image and terminal settings are fine. But this junk seems to be
Please suggest about the timing that's I think is critical now.
-----Original Message-----
Sent: Wednesday, February 18, 2004 3:40 PM
To: Linux Access Point Development
Subject: Re: [LinuxAP-dev] fLASHING PROBLEM
You need to make sure that the image on your card is correct. That is
the first step, don't take it for granted. Read it back and do a diff
on it from the original image that you wrote to it. (I had to use a
utility called wrflash or something like that from the OpenAP/alerios
directory or some such.)
Once you've got that far it is all a matter of timing on the jumper.
The jumpering, power on, and unjumpering has to be done at certain
times. It took me about 10 tries to do my first one, even though I read
how to do it. The next 3 APs I did on the first or second try.
Post by gaurav dawra
Hi friends
I am trying to flash the access for some time now. I am using MAGIC
RAM 2MB SRAM card to flash the access point. I am using EUMITCOMM
Wl11000 rev 3A(USR 2445) and rev 1A. I know Linux AP works well with
USR 2450. Does that make any diffence. If anyone have flashed the
access point successfully please suggest me. I am presently working
for Montana State University Bozeman,MOntana. So if someone living by
can help me out in flashing the AP. I will be really thankful.
Best regards,
Get a FREE online computer virus scan from McAfee when you click here.
LinuxAP-dev mailing list
LinuxAP-dev mailing list
LinuxAP-dev mailing list
Brian Wilson
2004-02-19 05:08:50 UTC
Welcome. I have had my first pair of USR2450's running reliably for a
week or so now. I am now a know-it-all. HA. The road was bumpy to get
my first unit flashed. Second one took about 20 minutes. :-) The bits
for this message flew between the two units. Persevere! It's fun once
you get them running.

First make sure that your image downloaded from the Web okay -- some
that I downloaded did not match the md5 from the site. Make sure the
image is written correctly into the SRAM card -- write the image to
the card, read it back, and compare the one you read back with the
original. (Use 'cmp' command.)

If you are using a 4 MB card, write the image to the
card twice by copying the file twice like for instance

cat sram.img sram.img > sram4mb.img

Then burn sram4mb.img to your card. The reason (as I understand it)
is that the bootloader is at one end of the card and the image at the
other so a 4MB flashed as described looks like this:

addr content

low address boot loader first sram.img
end of first 2MB image (ignored)
2MB boot loader (ignored) second sram.img copy
end of 4MB memory image to be put in flash

When you boot off the 4MB card in the Eumitcomm, it will load the
loader from low memory (addr 0) and execute it, and the loader will
then copy the 1MB image ending at the high memory position into the
board's internal 1MB flash. If you burn a single 2MB image into a 4MB
board then there will only be blank memory at the end-of-memory
locations so your attempt will fail. (If you use an 8 MB you need
to copy the 2MB 4 times. etc to end up with the flash image at
the top end, not to 'fill up the card' as is written elsewhere.)

Depending on what you are doing with the units you might also need to
reflash the pc cards. I wanted mine to be able function as normal
access points and they were both early, rev 1A units. (Brand new --
they must have been on a warehouse shelf for a long time.) so I
needed to update them. I suggest you worry about getting Linux
running first though.

Did I explain this correctly and understandably?? Maybe you know all
this already but it might help someone else...
Brian Wilson
Corvallis, Oregon
2004-02-19 18:48:49 UTC
Thanx Brian thanx for all help. Well I am on the stage when I have checked
and rechecked the image on my SRAM card which is 2MB. After that when I put
the image on the access point to flash it, it gives me nothing but junk on
the terminal. There cud be a possibility that I am not jumping it correctly
with j2 jumper. But can you please suggest me the timing of the whole
process. After you jump j2 which lights comes flashing and may be if you can
tell for how much time. Also as soon as you jump the j2, does it show on the
terminal that linux has started booting (on minicom). And how much does it
take for the whole process. IT will be really useful for me , if you can
suggest. I think I am on the edge to do it right, but something is going



-----Original Message-----
From: linuxap-dev-***@linuxAP.ksmith.com
[mailto:linuxap-dev-***@linuxAP.ksmith.com] On Behalf Of Brian Wilson
Sent: Wednesday, February 18, 2004 10:09 PM
To: Linux Access Point Development
Subject: Re: [LinuxAP-dev] fLASHING PROBLEM

Welcome. I have had my first pair of USR2450's running reliably for a
week or so now. I am now a know-it-all. HA. The road was bumpy to get
my first unit flashed. Second one took about 20 minutes. :-) The bits
for this message flew between the two units. Persevere! It's fun once
you get them running.

First make sure that your image downloaded from the Web okay -- some
that I downloaded did not match the md5 from the site. Make sure the
image is written correctly into the SRAM card -- write the image to
the card, read it back, and compare the one you read back with the
original. (Use 'cmp' command.)

If you are using a 4 MB card, write the image to the
card twice by copying the file twice like for instance

cat sram.img sram.img > sram4mb.img

Then burn sram4mb.img to your card. The reason (as I understand it)
is that the bootloader is at one end of the card and the image at the
other so a 4MB flashed as described looks like this:

addr content

low address boot loader first sram.img
end of first 2MB image (ignored)
2MB boot loader (ignored) second sram.img copy
end of 4MB memory image to be put in flash

When you boot off the 4MB card in the Eumitcomm, it will load the
loader from low memory (addr 0) and execute it, and the loader will
then copy the 1MB image ending at the high memory position into the
board's internal 1MB flash. If you burn a single 2MB image into a 4MB
board then there will only be blank memory at the end-of-memory
locations so your attempt will fail. (If you use an 8 MB you need
to copy the 2MB 4 times. etc to end up with the flash image at
the top end, not to 'fill up the card' as is written elsewhere.)

Depending on what you are doing with the units you might also need to
reflash the pc cards. I wanted mine to be able function as normal
access points and they were both early, rev 1A units. (Brand new --
they must have been on a warehouse shelf for a long time.) so I
needed to update them. I suggest you worry about getting Linux
running first though.

Did I explain this correctly and understandably?? Maybe you know all
this already but it might help someone else...
Brian Wilson
Corvallis, Oregon
Brian Wilson
2004-02-19 19:44:38 UTC
Post by Gaurav
the image on the access point to flash it, it gives me nothing but junk on
the terminal. There cud be a possibility that I am not jumping it correctly
Probably your minicom settings are wrong? You
want 4800, 8 data, 1 stop, no parity, no hardware handshake.

The jumping thing did not seem that critical to me. I have read on this
list you have to remove the jumper while the lights are still blinking.
You will know you got it by the terminal output.

Once you have it booting from SRAM you will be able to watch it go
through the whole process. It takes a few minutes (like 5 or 10).
When it gets to the end it tries to reboot itself. You will see that.

On both of my boxes it stuck at that point and I powered off, pulled
the SRAM card, powered on and they came up in Linux.

Gaurav Dawra
2004-02-19 23:56:27 UTC

I short the jumper j2 and powered it on. The two lights 4&5 are not
blinking, How much time I have to wait for them to start blinking. They are
lit up but not blinking and j2 is still short. Also please tell me am I
supposed to get anything useful from the starting or do I have to wait for
some 5-10 min. after I release the j2, they blink once only and then goes

Please suggest, I am confused on the timing of the whole process from the


-----Original Message-----
From: linuxap-dev-***@linuxAP.ksmith.com
[mailto:linuxap-dev-***@linuxAP.ksmith.com] On Behalf Of Brian Wilson
Sent: Thursday, February 19, 2004 12:45 PM
To: Linux Access Point Development
Subject: RE: [LinuxAP-dev] fLASHING PROBLEM
Post by Gaurav
the image on the access point to flash it, it gives me nothing but junk on
the terminal. There cud be a possibility that I am not jumping it correctly
Probably your minicom settings are wrong? You
want 4800, 8 data, 1 stop, no parity, no hardware handshake.

The jumping thing did not seem that critical to me. I have read on this
list you have to remove the jumper while the lights are still blinking.
You will know you got it by the terminal output.

Once you have it booting from SRAM you will be able to watch it go
through the whole process. It takes a few minutes (like 5 or 10).
When it gets to the end it tries to reboot itself. You will see that.

On both of my boxes it stuck at that point and I powered off, pulled
the SRAM card, powered on and they came up in Linux.

Bruno Lopes F. Cabral
2004-02-20 00:46:26 UTC

Did you compared your board picture with the ones at bh.udev.org
or opensource.instant802.com site? I'm still wondering if your
2455 is our 2450...

the J2 is a reset, turn the unit on with terminal attached
(4800 8N1 if using linuxap) and short it quickly. in no more
than 1-2 secs ALIOS should print it's messages on terminal

THEN wait to see what linux is doing. here it didn't take
10 minutes to reflash ... but trust on the terminal output,
not in our rough timings!!

if the ALIOS boot messages doesn't shows up, you don't sucess
resseting J2 and you'll have to start over again

OTOH, are you sure your terminal and RS232C cable are ok?
(just to avoid more hasless!)

Post by Gaurav Dawra
I short the jumper j2 and powered it on. The two lights 4&5 are not
blinking, How much time I have to wait for them to start blinking. They are
lit up but not blinking and j2 is still short. Also please tell me am I
supposed to get anything useful from the starting or do I have to wait for
some 5-10 min. after I release the j2, they blink once only and then goes
Please suggest, I am confused on the timing of the whole process from the