Desperation = SRAM / Linear Flash Cards
Peter Frischknecht
2004-07-02 22:26:37 UTC
From the first time I saw this project, I wanted to play with it.
Unfortunately, all I ever was able to do was get frustrated.

About 8 months ago, I was able to pick up 3x USR2450 APs on sale for
$39.99 ea (they were retailing for $79.99). I then scavenged ebay for
the SRAM card needed. I bough 3 different cards. See the pics here:

Before anybody makes a comment, I know that the SanDisk cards are not
supposed to work. But hey..I was desperate.

As I uderstand, any of these 3 cards are supposed to work:
Poqet - PC Storage Card - 2MB SRAM
Viking - Linear Flash Card - 24MB
Smart Modular Technologies - 8MB Flash Card (SM9FA4088IP3ASD)

I run SuSE 9.1 now, but I have never been able to make the cards work.
I have had Suse 8.2, 9.0, RH8.0, RH9.0, and Fedora1. In between, I have
messed up my PCMCIA subsystem time and time again trying to download and
install it from source (pcmcia_cs).

Under SuSE 9.1 (stock kernel 2.6), it says that memory_cs cannot be
found. It would seem that if I could download and install the pcmcia_cs
package, that I would be able to make it work. However, pcmcia_cs bombs
during compilation. Any hints...ideas?

I am tired of trying aimlessly. If anybody can help me, I would very
much appreciate it. A good link n a document that explains how to
update pcmcia_cs would be great. Otherwise, look for a for-sale post
pretty soon.
I look forward to hearing from you.

Peter Frischknecht
Empowering Solutions, Inc.
AIM: esipeterf
877.GOESI74 x803 Phone
704.625.9019 Fax
Bruno Lopes F. Cabral
2004-07-02 22:56:46 UTC

the quick solution is to download "Memory Card Explorer"
for windows, evaluation version which lasts for 30 days,
and use it to write every one of your cards and try them
on your unit

if you wish to experiment with linux, I made an quick howto
which is archived in august, 2001 list archive of openap-dev
at http://opensource.instant802.com

just go to the list archive and search quick howto or my
posts (by name)

hope this helps
from Brazil
From the first time I saw this project, I wanted to play with it.
Unfortunately, all I ever was able to do was get frustrated.
I run SuSE 9.1 now, but I have never been able to make the cards work.
I have had Suse 8.2, 9.0, RH8.0, RH9.0, and Fedora1. In between, I have
messed up my PCMCIA subsystem time and time again trying to download and
install it from source (pcmcia_cs).
Under SuSE 9.1 (stock kernel 2.6), it says that memory_cs cannot be
found. It would seem that if I could download and install the pcmcia_cs
package, that I would be able to make it work. However, pcmcia_cs bombs
during compilation. Any hints...ideas?
Henrion Benjamin
2004-07-02 22:58:50 UTC
Post by Peter Frischknecht
From the first time I saw this project, I wanted to play with it.
Unfortunately, all I ever was able to do was get frustrated.
About 8 months ago, I was able to pick up 3x USR2450 APs on sale for
$39.99 ea (they were retailing for $79.99). I then scavenged ebay for
Before anybody makes a comment, I know that the SanDisk cards are not
supposed to work. But hey..I was desperate.
Poqet - PC Storage Card - 2MB SRAM
Viking - Linear Flash Card - 24MB
Smart Modular Technologies - 8MB Flash Card (SM9FA4088IP3ASD)
I run SuSE 9.1 now, but I have never been able to make the cards work.
I have had Suse 8.2, 9.0, RH8.0, RH9.0, and Fedora1. In between, I have
messed up my PCMCIA subsystem time and time again trying to download and
install it from source (pcmcia_cs).
Under SuSE 9.1 (stock kernel 2.6), it says that memory_cs cannot be
found. It would seem that if I could download and install the pcmcia_cs
package, that I would be able to make it work. However, pcmcia_cs bombs
during compilation. Any hints...ideas?
You can try to compile and install pcmcia_cs, and plug the prism2 card
from the usr2450 inside your laptop, install hostap, iwconfig, and test

If it works, hostap_cs should be launched, and pcmcia_cs also.

Try a 2.4.2x kernel, maybe you will have more luck.

For the sram card, I have had problems in the past with some kernel
versions (2.4.19), so try different versions of the kernel.

Or just try with a knoppix CD if it's faster for you...
Post by Peter Frischknecht
I am tired of trying aimlessly. If anybody can help me, I would very
much appreciate it. A good link n a document that explains how to
update pcmcia_cs would be great. Otherwise, look for a for-sale post
pretty soon.
apt-get install pcmcia-cs

Benjamin Henrion <***@udev.org>
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Peter Frischknecht
2004-07-03 02:38:27 UTC
Post by Henrion Benjamin
You can try to compile and install pcmcia_cs, and plug the prism2 card
from the usr2450 inside your laptop, install hostap, iwconfig, and test
The wireless card works in my laptop.
Post by Henrion Benjamin
For the sram card, I have had problems in the past with some kernel
versions (2.4.19), so try different versions of the kernel.
I have never been able to make the SRAM card work.
Post by Henrion Benjamin
Or just try with a knoppix CD if it's faster for you...
I happen to have one laying around.
I booted from the CD and upon getting to the desktop I inserted the
Memory cards. I again heard the dreaded two-tone beep. The cards were
not recognized.
Post by Henrion Benjamin
apt-get install pcmcia-cs
Yep...done that, been there
Except that i do not see a pcmcia-cs package.

linux:~ # apt-cache search pcmcia
hotplug - Automatic configuration of hotplugged devices
kdeutils3-laptop - KDE utility programs for laptop users
km_pcmci - PCMCIA kernel module sources
pcmcia - PCMCIA support for Linux (also needed for kernel 2.4)
pcmcia-cardinfo - GUI for pcmcia card information and management

I did install km_pcmci and I am able to compile and install it. Only to
later see this:

Jul 2 22:31:02 linux cardmgr[5605]: executing: 'modprobe -v memory_cs'
Jul 2 22:31:02 linux cardmgr[5605]: + /sbin/insmod
Jul 2 22:31:03 linux cardmgr[5605]: + Using
Jul 2 22:31:03 linux cardmgr[5605]: + Symbol version prefix ''
Jul 2 22:31:03 linux kernel: memory_cs: Card Services release does not

I just want to scream!
Peter Frischknecht <***@empoweringsolutions.com>
Empowering Solutions, inc.
Scott Serr
2004-07-02 23:58:15 UTC
Post by Peter Frischknecht
From the first time I saw this project, I wanted to play with it.
Unfortunately, all I ever was able to do was get frustrated.
About 8 months ago, I was able to pick up 3x USR2450 APs on sale for
$39.99 ea (they were retailing for $79.99). I then scavenged ebay for
I too did this... But 4x @ $49.99.. lucky you. I got mine 14 months
ago though.
Post by Peter Frischknecht
Before anybody makes a comment, I know that the SanDisk cards are not
supposed to work. But hey..I was desperate.
Poqet - PC Storage Card - 2MB SRAM
Viking - Linear Flash Card - 24MB
Smart Modular Technologies - 8MB Flash Card (SM9FA4088IP3ASD)
I purchased a SMT 8MB Flash probably much like yours. It worked! It
took some time though. I was using SuSE 8.2 I think at the time but I
think I was rolling my own kernels and pcmcia-cs. I'm running Gentoo
now, I'm going to work on the USRs this weekend. I'll tell you later
what my pcmcia config looks like.
Post by Peter Frischknecht
I run SuSE 9.1 now, but I have never been able to make the cards work.
I have had Suse 8.2, 9.0, RH8.0, RH9.0, and Fedora1. In between, I have
messed up my PCMCIA subsystem time and time again trying to download and
install it from source (pcmcia_cs).
Under SuSE 9.1 (stock kernel 2.6), it says that memory_cs cannot be
found. It would seem that if I could download and install the pcmcia_cs
package, that I would be able to make it work. However, pcmcia_cs bombs
during compilation. Any hints...ideas?
I am tired of trying aimlessly. If anybody can help me, I would very
much appreciate it. A good link n a document that explains how to
update pcmcia_cs would be great. Otherwise, look for a for-sale post
pretty soon.
Peter Frischknecht
2004-07-04 17:03:29 UTC
Is there ANY distro (old or new) where Linear Flash/SRAM cards are
detected with the stock install? I have spare computers and I would not
mind using them just to get this show on the road.

Knopix was mentioned, but I booted with 3.3 and it was not able to
recognize my cards (two-tone beep).

Again, thx in advance for any help.

Scott Serr
2004-06-28 23:54:01 UTC
Post by Peter Frischknecht
Is there ANY distro (old or new) where Linear Flash/SRAM cards are
detected with the stock install? I have spare computers and I would not
mind using them just to get this show on the road.
Knopix was mentioned, but I booted with 3.3 and it was not able to
recognize my cards (two-tone beep).
I just tried Gentoo LiveCD 2004.0, no go on pcmcia -- I thought it
worked before.

Gentoo on my notebook recognized the card fine. It's not totally
up-to-date with emerge/portage, but here what works for me vanilla
kernel 2.4.25 and pcmcia-cs 3.2.5-r1. No tweaks to /etc/pcmcia. My
kernel .config:
http://geeksite.org/notebook-config for your reference.

BTW... my card is... SM9FA4088IP3ASD. An exact match to yours! So it
will work, unless it's damaged.

If you ever get it recognized, remember write the 2MB image 4 times:
"cat 2m-image 2m-image 2m-image 2m-image > 8m-image" so you will fill up
the card. Use wrflash or whatever from openap to initialize the card.
After you write do diff on your memory and your image. I thought I had
a good image on the card (last year) and tried to get it to boot in the
2450 over and over... but it was a bad image.

(This weekend I was able to reflash using tftp, the reflash script was
broken... so I just copied and pasted in minicom... worked pretty good.
So it's been along time since I used wrflash etc.)

Scott Serr
2004-07-04 21:17:21 UTC
Notebook time was off to facilitate you seeing this I'm resending.
Excuse me everyone.
Post by Peter Frischknecht
Is there ANY distro (old or new) where Linear Flash/SRAM cards are
detected with the stock install? I have spare computers and I would not
mind using them just to get this show on the road.
Knopix was mentioned, but I booted with 3.3 and it was not able to
recognize my cards (two-tone beep).
I just tried Gentoo LiveCD 2004.0, no go on pcmcia -- I thought it
worked before.

Gentoo on my notebook recognized the card fine. It's not totally
up-to-date with emerge/portage, but here what works for me vanilla
kernel 2.4.25 and pcmcia-cs 3.2.5-r1. No tweaks to /etc/pcmcia. My
kernel .config:
http://geeksite.org/notebook-config for your reference.

BTW... my card is... SM9FA4088IP3ASD. An exact match to yours! So it
will work, unless it's damaged.

If you ever get it recognized, remember write the 2MB image 4 times:
"cat 2m-image 2m-image 2m-image 2m-image > 8m-image" so you will fill up
the card. Use wrflash or whatever from openap to initialize the card.
After you write do diff on your memory and your image. I thought I had
a good image on the card (last year) and tried to get it to boot in the
2450 over and over... but it was a bad image.

(This weekend I was able to reflash using tftp, the reflash script was
broken... so I just copied and pasted in minicom... worked pretty good.
So it's been along time since I used wrflash etc.)

