prism2 STA firmware - 1.5.6 yes, 1.7.1 no
Scott Serr
2004-07-06 06:49:25 UTC
I just want to save anyone else out there the trouble. 1.7.1 STA
firmware somehow stopped my 2450s from working. I went down to 1.5.6 on
the prism2 cards and all is fine again.

(I started with 1.4.?, but wanted to communicate with commercial WDS
stuff in the future.)


PS - Jun Sun mini-Howto is helpful.
Scott Serr
2004-07-06 15:51:34 UTC
Post by Scott Serr
I just want to save anyone else out there the trouble. 1.7.1 STA
firmware somehow stopped my 2450s from working. I went down to 1.5.6 on
the prism2 cards and all is fine again.
that's good to know, as I was thinking of upgrading the firmware in mine
Post by Scott Serr
(I started with 1.4.?, but wanted to communicate with commercial WDS
stuff in the future.)
where did you get the 1.5.6 firmware from?
http://linux.junsun.net/intersil-prism/ has some pretty good
instructions and also firmware images. He has links to other firmware
collections, but I think his is best. The one I used:
I am running Keith's openap image from, er, September 2001 or something
like that. Can I put the firmware in the flash disk to be loaded at boot
disk, or is it best to reflash the card itself (I have laptop
triple-booting w2k, w98 or linux, so should be able to accomplish it
with something :-)
I would have tried flashing without cracking the case, but I didn't have
"prism2_srec" on the LinuxAP. I probably could have compiled it and
thrown it on there but I was worried that things would not go well, so I
opened each box and took the card out and stuffed it in my notebook
which was booted in to Win98. For WinUpdate.exe (from Intersil) to
work, you need to have drivers installed -- so I installed the driver
from http://www.usr.com/support/product-template.asp?prod=2410 the
file was http://www.usr.com/support/2410/2410-files/Driver_USR03_1.33.exe
which is not as ease to find as you might think.

This should save you alot of time.

